Welcome Letter


Welcome to Third Grade!

Welcome to a new school year! This year, your child will be a part of a
combined third grade classroom. Officially, Mrs. Batchelder will be
your child's reading and language arts teacher.  Mrs. Easterling will teach 
math and the content areas, as well the Extended Foreign Language component.
We will work together to ensure our students receive our guidance and
assistance throughout the entire day.

We have a wonderful year ahead of us. Here are a few of our classroom

You can expect us to provide:
1. A safe and structured learning environment
2. High expectations for learning and behavior
3. A classroom that values independence and cooperation among children

We expect that your child:
1. Do all of his/her work to the best of his/her ability
2. Behave in a friendly and cooperative manner towards classmates and adults
3. Return completed home learning on the day that it is due

We expect that the family:
1. Make sure your child is in school each day on time and ready to work
2. Provide your child with the sufficient supplies needed to complete work
3. Feel welcomed to communicate and participate

Feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns you may have. You
may reach us at 305-557-3303 or email us at measterling@dadeschools.net or

Together we will make this year a success!